Web Design Portfolio & Case Studies

In our portfolio, you can read a short synopsis of most of the websites we have built and/or designed. But we decided to take a few of them and develop in-depth case studies, to more thoroughly explain what each client needed, what the challenges were, and how BoxCrush® met and exceeded those challenges to deliver positive results.

Client needs are different—deciding how large a site should be and what technology and interactive features will enhance a message is complex, and can’t be a one-size-fits-all solution. BoxCrush identifies every facet of your internet strategy—including websites, mobile ads and pay-per-click services, SEO, and more—and then we fill those needs with unique, tailored solutions. We don’t try to put our clients into a one-size-fits-all box. The following case studies prove that.

The BoxCrush Web Design Portfolio

Watch our work come to life when you look through our web design portfolio. If you want to see your website reach this level, you need BoxCrush’s full website services.

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