Blog Writing Services & SEO Content Agency in Indianapolis

Blog Writing Services

A corporate blog is a great forum for expressing your viewpoints, demonstrating your company values, and talking about subjects relevant to your industry. You may already recognize the value of blogging. And, like many decision-makers, you may not have the time or resources to develop and maintain your blog. BoxCrush® can do that for you.

Original Ideas

If you spend time reading news and tips about your industry, you’ll probably see numerous blogs on the same topics, citing the same sources. BoxCrush doesn’t write echo-chamber content – we come up with fresh ideas to create engaging blogs.

Our content team can help you develop a brand voice and style so that your content is consistent across all media. We can also boost your authority on sites like LinkedIn by ghost-writing blog posts on behalf of company leadership.

Improving Your Search Engine Relevance

Search engines crawl websites looking for quality content. If your blog is engaging and updated regularly, your site may inch upward in search engine results. Our content team is skilled in writing copy specifically for that purpose – we can do industry-relevant SEO keyword research to find terms your target audience is searching for online, and include those keywords in the copy we write for you.

Editing Your Content

For niche industries, especially those whose content includes technical terms, we may recommend that company leaders or team members provide talking points or participate in regular phone interviews with our writers to make use of their extensive knowledge of the subject matter. BoxCrush can then transcribe, edit, and enhance that content for search engine relevance.

Fostering Trust in Your Brand

Today’s consumers may conduct hours (or months) of online research before they make a commitment. The right blog content can be used for multiple purposes, like strategic social media marketing, to increase your digital presence. While individual preferences vary from person to person, many people prefer to do business with a company or brand that they trust, or whose values are in alignment with their own. Sustainability, work-life balance, diversity, community engagement – those are the types of values companies can write about to build trust with their website visitors.

BoxCrush Content Development

We can help you learn how to deliver your message in a consistent voice that’s relevant to your audience. Our content development services will help you keep your content fresh.

Get started now!

Ready for Great Content?

Many companies don’t have the time to build-out their blog and are missing out on an easy way to engage website visitors. The BoxCrush content development team provides blog writing services, create white papers, and write product and service descriptions and other materials that enhance your online presence. As a full-service web development and digital marketing agency in Indianapolis, we offer website build and manage every aspect of your marketing strategy.

Let us know how we can help you.