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Indiana SEO Agency Solutions - Boost Your Web Organic Traffic

BoxCrush SEO

Your website isn’t attracting the traffic you want. The problem could be that your content is missing the words and phrases that would help people find you in their internet searches. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the solution to that problem. BoxCrush® offers three levels of scalable SEO services, each of which produces measurable results. We’ll use SEO to boost your digital presence and get visitors to your site.

Download our free guide to keyword relevance and search intent.

Why SEO Matters

Think of your own experiences looking for information online. Do you often look at page 2 or page 3 of the search results? If so, you're an outlier – most people don't look at results beyond page 1. 

Consider these statistics, from a search engine study by SEO Moz:

On average, 71.33% of searches result in a page one organic click. Page two and three get only 5.59% of the clicks. On the first page alone, the first 5 results account for 67.60% of all the clicks and the results from 6 to 10 account for only 3.73%.

SEO is one part of a broader strategy for getting your organization to page 1.

How Search Engines Work

The architects of search engines want to make sure their product is delivering relevant results for users. Search engines deliver those results by sending bots (proprietary software) to “crawl” websites and evaluate content for relevancy. Search engines are also programmed to detect suspicious SEO practices (like loading a webpage with random keywords that have nothing to do with a company’s product or service).

Quality content and keywords that help bots understand what your website is about will improve your search visibility.

Bounce Rates

Search engines consider bounce rates – the amount of time someone spends on your website, or a specific page on your site before exiting your website. If a high percentage of people bounce from your site within seconds of finding it, search engines may infer that your content isn’t relevant (although visitors may be leaving your site because it loads too slowly or isn’t formatted for mobile devices – we also offer development & application services if your site functionality needs improvement).


How Website Structure Affects SEO

The copy on your website is just one part of SEO. If the right words are there, but search engine bots find your website structure confusing or unclear, your search rankings will suffer.

Before we roll out your keyword strategy, we conduct an SEO audit of your website. We look at your page load times, and we test your site for mobile responsiveness. We review:

  • Proper use of H1 tags
  • Proper use of HTML tag hierarchy
  • Keyword phrases – usage and density
  • URL structure
  • Meta keywords and meta descriptions
  • Site structure
  • Alternative text
  • Sitemap and robot files
  • Internal linking and external linking strategy

If we uncover any site errors, we'll offer recommendations on how to correct them (and if you choose us to manage or build your website, we can correct errors for you).

BoxCrush takes a strategic and multi-faceted approach to Indiana search engine optimization when building SEO websites.


SEO Services We Offer:

  • Structural Optimization
  • Keyword Research and Optimization
  • SEO Copywriting
  • Local Listing Management
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Accessible SEO Experts

Structural optimization – We build websites with smart coding, organizational design, and SEO-friendly Sitefinity content management to earn the highest possible structural ranking. If we build it, it will be SEO-friendly. If we didn’t build it, we will work with you to make your existing site structure as SEO-friendly as possible. Recently, search engines started favoring sites that work flawlessly on mobile devices. BoxCrush builds websites with responsive web design that display perfectly on any device.

Keyword research – Our keyword research enables us to write search-engine-optimized copy. Our Indianapolis SEO experts dig into what information your ideal client or customer is seeking, finding keywords related to their search. We use those keywords to write compelling SEO copy that appeals to humans and search engines alike.

SEO copywriting – When potential customers are searching for a product or service you offer, you want your website to be on the first page of the search results. To do that, you need SEO copy. Search-engine-optimized copywriting helps search engine bots understand your website and its relevance for particular search terms. Search engines can tell the difference between well-written copy and "keyword stuffing" (using the same terms excessively, awkwardly, or out of context). Our experienced SEO copywriters know how to infuse your content with keywords in a way that preserves the natural flow of language.

Local listing management – Local search is one of the best ways to drive conversions, and too many businesses overlook the importance of local listing accuracy. BoxCrush offers local listings management across more than 100 platforms, such as Yelp, Google My Business, and Apple Maps. We can also claim and consolidate Facebook listings, to ensure you have control over your official location. Consistency across location-based applications is essential if you want customers and search engines to find you and understand your products or services. Optimization and management of local listings can give you a big boost in local search results.

Analytics and reporting – Once we build your website, research keywords, and write SEO copy, we perform in-depth analysis on how your site performs on different search engines. Studying how your site appears in different searches and on different platforms helps us to continually enhance and improve your site, keeping your rankings high and improving over time. Our SEO analytics and reporting will help you understand how your website is improving using several metrics.

Accessible SEO experts – We keep up with industry changes, search engine algorithm updates, and optimization best practices, and we have experience with local and national SEO efforts, across a wide variety of business categories.

BoxCrush Search Engine Optimization

BoxCrush uses data analysis and content development to help influence your website’s rise to the top. Contact us to hear how search engine optimization can benefit your business.

Get started now!

Stay Ahead of the Game

The algorithms that power search engines are ever-evolving, and an effective SEO strategy could become obsolete as algorithm changes debut. BoxCrush keeps up with trends in SEO, helping our clients anticipate and prepare for shifts in SEO strategy.

BoxCrush has mastered the art of building websites with SEO. Let our Indianapolis SEO experts help you grow your business.