HubSpot Marketing Automation Service

HubSpot Management

Companies that pay for HubSpot know it’s capable of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing campaigns. But it takes time to learn how to use HubSpot, and its marketing automation tools don’t work without a strategy, content development, and behavior-based rules you define.

BoxCrush® knows HubSpot. We can plan your marketing strategy, write your content, and set up your automation. Then, using HubSpot’s analytical tools, you can see the results of our efforts.

HubSpot Capabilities

HubSpot offers a free customer relationship management (CRM) system and sells its marketing and sales platforms separately. Within the marketing platform, you can build and modify a website, design landing pages that support specific marketing initiatives, and format blogs using one of several templates. When you connect the CRM tools, you can track your website visitors, sort them into categories, and automate follow-up tasks. BoxCrush can use all of these capabilities to increase your website traffic, boost conversions, and capture more email addresses.

Email List Management

In HubSpot, you can create multiple email lists and group users by demographics. With lists, you can launch targeted marketing campaigns featuring content most relevant to a specific list. BoxCrush can advise you on how to create lists, and we can manage your lists for you.

Sales and Marketing Cohesion

If you have both the marketing platform and sales platform, you can connect those systems, so sales and marketing teams can see the entire customer journey. HubSpot’s tools allow you to know when marketing should be nurturing a prospect, and when a prospect has become a lead ready for the sales process. Marketing and sales can collaborate and identify any weak points in the pipeline to help you better understand your typical customer buying cycle.

BoxCrush can create your marketing content and sales support materials so your brand messaging is consistent. We develop content to achieve a specific goal, whether that’s getting more visitors to a landing page, or boosting your brand awareness with a paid social media ad.

BoxCrush Marketing Automation Services

Want to know more about what your user is doing on your website? Would you like to trigger messages to your audience based on their behavior? We can help you use marketing automation strategically.

Get started now!

Full-Service Solution

Some companies that buy HubSpot software don’t have a marketing team – they’re counting on HubSpot to fulfill their marketing needs. As powerful as it is, HubSpot won’t be effective without a deliberate strategy and outstanding content.

BoxCrush is a full-service digital marketing and website development agency with expertise in all aspects of online marketing. Ask us what we can do for your business.