Dedicated WordPress Hosting Services in Indianapolis

Due to the popularity of WordPress, BoxCrush provides what’s known as managed dedicated Wordpress hosting, a concierge-level service in which our specialized WordPress developers manage all of the technical aspects of your website on a dedicated server, including backups, security, updates, load times, and other performance metrics. We also monitor your uptime 24 hours a day to ensure that if there is an outage, we can get you back up online as quickly as possible. 

With the BoxCrush WordPress dedicated hosting package, we’ll deliver a hassle-free experience so you have one less thing to worry about while growing your business. 

Shared Hosting vs Dedicated Hosting

There are hundreds of options for hosting out there, some for as cheap as $2.75 per month. So you might be asking why you’d want to pay more for managed hosting. It comes down to the level of service. 

Because resources are shared and there may be hundreds of websites hosted on a single server, shared hosting is typically less expensive. The advantages are the lower cost, easy set-up, and the promise of support from a large, well-equipped operation. Shared hosting is often suitable for small businesses that are just getting started, don’t have a large budget, or don’t require a lot of special functionality or personal attention. 

However, the disadvantages can often outweigh the benefits. One complaint we often hear from clients who are hosted on a shared server is the sluggishness of their website’s performance and unannounced disruptions to service. If your website experiences a sudden spike in traffic, you may inadvertently exceed the resources allotted by your host, and they can suspend your site or charge you exorbitant overage fees. Additionally, your site can be negatively impacted by the activity of other websites on the shared server. 

Shared hosting can also have a negative impact on your security and reputation. Because you’re sharing an IP address with other sites on your server, a threat to one website can make other sites vulnerable as well. Moreover, if websites sharing your IP address are blacklisted or flagged for spam, this could compromise your reach and reputation as well.

Think of shared hosting as living in a building you share with many other people. Dedicated hosting means having your own space and never having to worry about the noisy neighbors upstairs. 

To learn more about managed WordPress hosting and how BoxCrush can accommodate the needs of your growing business, call us at (317) 816-9353 or use the contact form below to send us a message. 


BoxCrush WordPress Services

When we manage your WordPress site, you can rest easy and focus on other company priorities. Our managed WordPress hosting services will optimize your business’s digital performance.

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