Sitefinity Managed Hosting On Microsoft Azure
One of BoxCrush's Sitefinity hosting solutions is Microsoft Azure. If your company uses Microsoft, utilizes the Microsoft for Education program (whatever the Randolph Macon program is called), or simply wants a reliable managed hosting solution, consider Microsoft Azure.
Our experienced Sitefinity development team will discuss with you your websites traffic and usage to learn if Azure is the right solution for your business.
As with any Sitefinity managed hosting solution BoxCrush offers, our Azure solutions include the following:
Sitefinity Managed Hosting Features
- Fully managed dedicated Sitefinity server instances
- 24 hour-a-day/ 365 days-a-year monitoring and response
- Uptime, CPU usage, and memory usage monitors
- Virus protection
- Scheduled database backups
- Scheduled server instance snapshots
Available Compliance Scanning
- Cloud based intrusion detection
- PCI compliance scanning
- HIPAA compliance monitoring and reporting
- Ongoing scanning, monitoring, and emerging threat detection