Other Industry Case Studies


BoxCrush has a primary focus: serving clients out-of-the-box results. Our services are backed by multiple decades of experience and proprietary knowledge, and each new project and challenge makes our team stronger. That is why BoxCrush is open to serving clients from any industry. Our team provides innovative solutions, creativity, and a commitment to excellence. We often learn something from one industry that can help a client in a completely different sector.


Simplicis Case Study

Simplicis had multiple pain points when they came to us. They had no web presence, almost no content for clients, and no way to show potential customers what services they offered. This meant they needed a website and SEO strategy built from the ground up. To make it all happen, BoxCrush: 

  • Interviewed the client to get to know their business, goals, and target audience
  • Created a user experience to drive conversions
  • Designed a logo to establish brand identity
  • Performed strategic keyword research for on-page content

Read the full case study here.