Google Adwords Management and PPC Services
Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is the largest pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform on the internet, with 75 percent of the market share for PPC management campaigns. BoxCrush® is a Google Certified Partner, which means that we are a Google Ads management company with professionals on staff who’ve been educated in everything Google Ads and passed qualified tests. We will put that expertise to work for you to boost traffic to your website.

How PPC Advertising Works
Ads campaign management is a lot more than placing an ad on a page. Our Google Ads certified professional meets with you to learn about your business and your PPC campaign goals, so we can develop your ad strategy. We help you identify your target market, key demographics, and your primary geographic area. Then we identify keywords and phrases relevant to your target market, so we can use those terms in your ads.
When an internet user searches for your keywords on Google, your sponsored ad is displayed. You pay only when a user clicks on your link and goes to your website.
Pay-per-click campaigns can help improve your organic reach. When people see your ads in their internet searches, they are more likely to remember you when they decide they need a good or service that you provide.
Your Google Adwords Management/PPC campaign will include:
Initial assessment: Our Google Ads certified professional meets with you to create campaign goals.
Google Ads account setup: We set up your ads management account, but you remain in control of your account information and method of payment.
Keyword research: Knowing what keyword phrases to target is key to creating an effective campaign. We analyze potential terms for competitiveness and cost to get your campaign off to a good start and ensure search engine optimization (SEO).
Ongoing PPC management services: Ongoing ads management is important to keep your PPC account optimized. Our services include monitoring campaign performance, including tracking impressions, clicks, and click-through rates to maximize your monthly budget. We also closely monitor search queries – the phrases typed into the search box that trigger your ad. Knowing what people are searching for helps to generate better positive and negative keyword lists. (Negative keywords limit your audience, ensuring only those people who are most interested in your ads see them). Our Google Ads management professionals monitor keyword quality score, market share, and other metrics for this important aspect of campaign-building.
Ad development: We develop ads optimized for your keywords that target your market. Each ad is linked to a specific landing page on your website, so when potential customers click the ad, they go right to the page pertaining to your ad.
Monthly Google Ads reports: Each month, we’ll provide an overview of your AdWords account performance and explain our goals for the upcoming month.
Quarterly reports: Strategically analyzing your ads account is critical to the profitability of your campaigns. At the end of every quarter, we’ll provide a personalized report and in-depth analysis of your campaign. These reports show how individual keywords are performing, how budgets are being managed, and detail your ROI. We can also provide geographic reporting for multiple locations.
Google Ads is the perfect platform for effectively targeting and retargeting your potential customers. It’s strategic, cost-effective, and the ROI can be significant.

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