MW Dentistry

WordPress Website Development & Design

MW Dentistry
Interior page design for MW Dentistry services Interior page web design for MW Dentistry Contact form development for MW Dentistry


An independent dentist approached BoxCrush about rebranding her practice and creating a new website. Her existing site looked dated and did not align with her current services and business objectives. It also wasn't mobile-friendly. BoxCrush rebranded her practice and designed and built a new WordPress website.

Quick Facts

  • New logo and branded color scheme
  • Mobile-friendly website
  • Patient-focused content
Tags :
  • B2C
  • Design
  • Development
  • Healthcare
  • WordPress


Dr. Molly Weiandt and her father had established a dental practice 15 years earlier, and after he retired from the practice, she hadn't found time to update the look of the website or find an alternative to "Father-Daughter Dentistry" for the practice name.

After an in-depth onboarding interview, BoxCrush came up with a few practice names for consideration, while also working on developing a look and feel for the site, including branded colors and fonts, and content voice and tone. The client approved of the new name – MW Dentistry & Esthetics – along with the overall design and branding.


"Father-Daughter Dentistry" was well known in its geographic area, and BoxCrush wanted to retain as much of that reputation as possible.


BoxCrush created a new mobile-friendly WordPress site, and redirected the old website URL to the new one. Included on the new site was language explaining the name change and rebranding. In addition to writing all-new site content, BoxCrush wrote blog content that the client could then share links to on social media.

Take a look at what we were able to do for MW Dentistry.