How to repurpose pieces for standalone content

Case Studies: How to Repurpose Pieces for Standalone Content

by Michelle McNally | Jul 7, 2020
Creating engaging content is an ongoing process. Even if your core offering doesn’t change much, the way readers consume information is always evolving, and it’s important for your brand to serve content in the format readers prefer. If your readers include decision-makers and business owners, a case study is a great way to demonstrate the value of your product or service.
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Going beyond the FAQ

Going Beyond the FAQ: How to Turn Questions into Content

by Michelle McNally | May 21, 2020
Creating fresh content for your website is an ongoing task that can sometimes feel like a chore. What else can you say about your company? What else do people want to know about your product or service? Chances are, you’ve already answered some of those questions on your website’s Frequently Asked Questions page.
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Three Vital Marketing

Three Vital Marketing Updates Indianapolis Business Owners Must Make

by Michelle McNally | Apr 16, 2020
We’re nearing the end of the fifth week of social distancing in Indianapolis due to COVID-19, and the city looks different than it did mid-March. People are staying home and thinking carefully about when and how they must interact with others. Spending habits and internet browsing habits have shifted accordingly in Indianapolis and around the country.
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Customer testimonials

Customer Testimonials: The Best User-Generated Content

by Michelle McNally | Apr 10, 2020
Content helps to communicate what your business does and how you do it. Before contacting you, potential customers may do some preliminary research, and chances are they’re looking at your website. Including customer testimonials on your website and in your marketing materials helps people to connect to your business.
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Digital Marketing During a Pandemic

by Dan Finney | Apr 7, 2020
Three weeks ago, businesses in Marion County did not know they would have to operate under a red travel advisory, but here we are today. Do you know what digital marketing changes you should be making right now?
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