Social Media Engagement

WordPress implementation and digital marketing

Bar Keepers Friend is a family-owned company in Indianapolis that manufactures cleaning products. The formula for its flagship product – a canned powdered cleanser – originated in 1882, and other than the packaging, little has changed about this cleanser over time.

How ‘How-to’ Guides Drove New Business for a Seasoned Brand


BoxCrush created the new website incrementally, launching each page as it was finished, so Bar Keepers Friend could start seeing results even as the site was under development. To demonstrate the ability to drive traffic, BoxCrush created a “Holiday Cleaning” landing page, and created a paid Facebook ad, linking to the page. That campaign garnered an 82% increase in monthly Facebook referrals, with 19.74% of these visitors completing the goal of visiting BKF's "Where to Buy" page.

The cleaning guides BoxCrush created generated 11,962 impressions in a 3 month period. 647 people downloaded the guides, and 58 of those clicked “where to buy.”

A comparison of web traffic, via Google Analytics, covering June 2017 through May 2018, shows a 19.85 percent increase in Page Views and a 21.13 percent increase in Unique Page Views.

Examples of the guides


Bar Keepers Friend is an Indianapolis-based, family-owned company that manages all aspects of its products – laboratory testing, packaging design, production, and distribution. Its flagship multi-purpose scouring powder originated in 1882, and sales have been consistently robust. The company wanted to introduce new products and wondered whether existing brand loyalty would carry-over to the new offerings. Bar Keepers Friend needed a strategy for promoting its products and reaching new prospects.


In November 2016, Bar Keepers Friend asked BoxCrush to create a new website that would help increase traffic and raise awareness of its yet-to-be-released products. BoxCrush conducted a marketplace analysis and website audit and determined:

  • The website would need new architecture, including landing pages for each product, to increase ranking in search engine results

  • Bar Keepers Friend’s existing customer base was highly engaged with social media and was drawn to content explaining uses for its products

BoxCrush proposed creating illustrated “How-to” cleaning guides and blog content to promote all of the company’s products.


The BoxCrush Strategy


By requiring an email address to download the guides, BoxCrush was able to build-out the Bar Keepers Friend subscriber list. Those email addresses also allow BoxCrush to track prospects and consumers online and show targeted ads to them on social media.

Raising consumer awareness of Bar Keepers Friend products was the first step in a larger strategy: Helping Bar Keepers Friend get more retailers to carry its products. BoxCrush created a “Where to Buy” feature on the Bar Keepers Friend website that visitors can click to get to a retailer’s website. By measuring that activity, BoxCrush provides ongoing data that the Bar Keepers Friend sales team uses to show retailers demand for its products.