Celeste Caraker

SEO Web Content Writer

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 “I can’t say it any better than Dumbledore: ‘Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.’ That is why coming to work and knowing I get to spend my day writing is a magical experience, every time. What makes it even better is knowing that what I write can truly drive positive outcomes for our clients.”

Celeste Caraker | SEO Web Content Writer

Celeste joined BoxCrush after writing full-length ebooks as a freelance ghostwriter. 

She has a Master’s in English from the University of Indianapolis. Major achievements include being selected for the Carmony Graduate Assistantship which enabled her to contribute to the English Department's social media presence, and getting this job! 

She’s most skilled at content development, especially long-form content, and employs a wide range of styles that enable her to easily write for a variety of clients. 

You can count on Celeste to be data-driven, responsive, and welcoming to feedback. 

When she’s not crushing the content game for clients, she might be traveling, reviewing local theater for BroadwayWorld.com, or sitting at home in front of her baby grand piano.