Google Ads for Recruiters

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Account Optimization



With the economy recovering and unemployment dropping, a local employer had a problem: It needed more workers than it could find via traditional job postings. After consulting with our Google Ads specialist, this employer became a client, and together, we used the Google Display Network to get results.


The HR department was continually struggling to fill vacancies. It needed to fill more positions than ever before, and unemployment in the area was at an all-time low. Competing companies were recruiting a similar demographic, and our client needed to reach the most qualified candidates first.


To better understand the scope of AdWord’s capabilities, the client enrolled six key people in a training course hosted by BoxCrush. In this half-day session, our specialist gave an overview of how AdWords works, as well as ways to leverage its power. The client, in turn, spent time educating our specialist about their challenges, as well as what sets them apart from other employers in their industry.

From there, our specialist built AdWords campaigns that were multi-faceted – the Search network, the Display Network, and Gmail ads were all part of the recruiting campaign. Display ads were particularly effective on job listing boards. Gmail ads that targeted job seekers were not only opened, but also forwarded to others. Targeting was based on what the HR department knew about where its current employees lived.

With data from the AdWords campaigns, BoxCrush built similar campaigns on the Bing platform. Job searchers often do job searching at career centers and public libraries, so we made sure to target those areas on the Bing network and with AdWords.

Often the best potential employees are already employed and may not even be actively searching for a new job. Targeting on the Display network proved to be an effective way of appealing to non-job searchers while they browsed the web in the hours they weren’t at work.  

If your business is looking at a major hiring initiative, paid acquisition platforms such as Google AdWords and Bing can complement traditional job listing sites, and assist in attracting the best candidates.