From One Star to Five Stars: A Mini Case Study on Healthcare Review Management


A negative review isn’t necessarily bad for your practice – unless it’s ignored. If potential patients see unanswered negative reviews about a practice or clinic, they may think that the providers don’t care about the patient experience.

A thoughtful public response can change an unhappy patient’s opinion and demonstrate commitment to patient satisfaction. Recently, a BoxCrush client saw how powerful a thoughtful response can be.


A medical practice director asked for advice on how to improve their review management, and BoxCrush’s first suggestion was to set up an email address solely to communicate with unhappy patients. BoxCrush also advised the client to appoint one or two staff members to monitor that inbox. 

A few weeks later, the client noticed that a patient had written an angry and detailed one-star review on its Google Business Profile listing. The client responded publicly to the patient and asked her to contact their office via their newly created email address. As a result, the office manager read the message immediately and was able to address all of the patient’s concerns. 

Much to the client’s surprise, the patient amended her written review and increased the rating from one star to five stars because the office manager had “made things right.” A personal touch can make a dramatic difference in patient satisfaction. 

Why Reviews Matter

Reading reviews has become a way of life for savvy consumers. Whether they’re looking for a dentist, pain management clinic, or family practice, reviews influence decision-making. And it’s not just the star rating they’re looking at. They’re also making judgments based on deeper criteria. According to annual consumer research by Bright Local, 69% of consumers are looking for a review with a positive tone compared to 58% who look for a review with a high star rating.

And an organization’s response to reviews matters too. A 2024 TrustMary study shows that 56% of customers actually changed their opinion of a business because of a response the business gave to a review. Customers also have high expectations about prompt responses. 53% percent expect a response to a negative review within seven days, and roughly 33% expect a response in three days. Review Trackers also found that industry leaders (the top 10% of brands) answer significantly faster and more consistently than other organizations.

BoxCrush has helped healthcare providers generate reviews by developing messaging and campaign strategies and by providing pre-written responses clients can use to show patients they care about their experiences. The BoxCrush development team can also build sliders that pull patient reviews from other platforms and display them on client websites.

Reviews are essentially free online advertising, so providers should be capitalizing on them. BoxCrush can show you how to do that.