Project Manager/Team Coordinator


BoxCrush®, an Indianapolis digital marketing and website development agency established in 2002, is seeking a Project Manager/Team Coordinator with 3-5 years of experience to join our team. The right candidate will have a sense of humor and a strong work ethic, and a proven background of managing multiple projects and ongoing service agreements for multiple clients. Candidate must have excellent communication, organization, time management, and conflict management skills. Proven experience managing design, development, and marketing teams is preferred.

We are seeking someone who has an approach that uses data analytics, is able track average time frames for similar tasks, and uses that information to produce estimates and timelines. 


BoxCrush® is seeking full-time applicants and plans to hire for a position that will begin in early January 2020. This position is on-site at the BoxCrush office in Indianapolis, IN.

Necessary Skills

  • A 3-year background in project management
  • Ability to coordinate multiple team members, projects, ongoing service relationships, and clients
  • An understanding of design, development, and marketing principles is a must (you will not be required to know how to code, but you must understand how to speak competently about complex web technology and digital marketing).
  • Proven experience in a relevant role such as Scrum Master, Project Manager, Project Coordinator, or prior agency management experience
  • Understand and apply Agile principles
  • Working knowledge of data analysis and performance/operation metrics
  • Outstanding organizational and leadership abilities
  • Excellent interpersonal and public speaking skills
  • Aptitude in decision-making and problem-solving


Project Management

  • Manage project budgets, timelines, and meet deadlines for clients
  • Ability to manage and improve team performance
  • Assist in creating a system to track and encourage improvement, keep projects under budget and on-schedule, and protect profitability from scope creep 
  • Coordination and organization of tasks and priorities across all clients and disciplines
  • Oversee time tracking on individual tasks and make sure the whole project is being allocated effectively (and profitably)
  • Help improve efficiency and turn-around times
  • Improve speed and accuracy of web production
  • If something jeopardizes a deadline, communicate this to the client in advance
  • Attend meetings with clients and bring the appropriate team member(s) to the table when necessary
  • Be the main point of contact for project progress and timelines
  • Communicate project information to the client along with the Sales Associate
  • Manage team time-tracking and reporting
  • Participate in the client onboarding and kickoff process

Ongoing Service Management

  • Track data to assess whether service levels are accurate 
  • Quantify internal service level through metrics - measure the ongoing effort and raise awareness of any issues or conflicts
  • Maintain strategy/plans created by team specialists and ensure they are accounted for in our task planning
  • Keep track of ongoing service allocation of resources and adjust project work accordingly
  • Document and refine processes for design, development, and marketing teams
  • Create new processes (example: how our team should effectively manage a new service across multiple job roles)

Team Coordination

  • Hold internal handover meetings with the team to ensure everyone is on the same page throughout client onboarding
  • Assign work to teams, track productivity, and gauge the team’s capacity for additional work (and help determine when it’s time to add additional staff)
  • Forecast team workload by quarter 
  • Support the team as they follow our in-house processes, identify roadblocks and scope creep, managing last-minute or unplanned client requests and making schedule modifications, and capturing and reviewing metrics to make sure things are going according to plan
  • Make sure the production team knows what’s coming down the pipeline, and oversee scheduling and other pre-preparation work
  • Work with team to adjust either client expectations or team workloads as needed (like when deadlines are missed or work exceeds time estimate)
  • Work with leadership to make sure the team is working towards long-term goals
  • Help create incentive plans to motivate the production team
  • Ensure implementation of leadership’s policies that promote company culture and vision 
  • Evaluate performance by analyzing and interpreting data and metrics
  • Manage production schedules for local and off-site team members
  • Help track and improve each employee’s performance
  • Help conduct employee reviews

Helpful Skills

  • BSc/BA in Business Administration or relevant field; MSc/MBA is a plus
  • PMP Certification
  • Agile/S knowledge/certification
  • Working knowledge of IT/business infrastructure and MS Office or Google Docs
  • Familiarity with BoxCrush core services:
    • UX/Design
    • Graphic Design
    • Web Development
    • Google Ads/PPC
    • Social Media
    • Social Media Advertising
    • Location Services
    • Content Development
    • Search Engine Optimization
    • Email Marketing
    • Marketing Automation

Special Considerations

  • Fluency in English language required for consideration
  • U.S. Citizenship, Permanent Resident or Green Card required for consideration
  • All candidates must submit to a post-offer, pre-employment criminal background check for final employment consideration
  • We are committed to providing employment opportunities to the most qualified internal or external candidate, based on work-related factors and without regard to non-work related factors, including race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, or veteran status as a special disabled veteran or other qualifying veteran. BoxCrush is an Equal Opportunity Employer, EOE.

To Apply

Please do not call. Send your resume to