4 Sitefinity CMS Tools You’re Probably Not Using

by Marie Lewis | Aug 23, 2023, 11:33 AM
Web CMS Training Videos

Not going to lie: Sitefinity is one of our favorite content management systems because it offers such a wide array of features, and it’s also super intuitive and easy to use. While most of our clients are familiar with Sitefinity’s core functionalities, we’ve found there are some tools that can significantly enhance the user experience and streamline website management that many of our clients haven’t delved into yet. Today we’re exploring a few of those areas that often go unnoticed and how these tools can unlock new possibilities for optimizing the digital experience for your customers, partners, vendors, stakeholders, and your own staff. 

Personalization and Optimization

Personalization is the key to delivering tailored content and experiences to individual users. The Sitefinity digital experience provides tools for creating dynamic content, performing A/B testing, and analyzing user behavior. By leveraging these features, you can target specific user segments, optimize conversion rates, and ultimately drive engagement and revenue. We can discuss practical examples of personalization that are unique to your audience and sales process. 

Advanced Search

Through enhanced integration with Azure Cognitive Search, Sitefinity CMS's Advanced Search tool empowers visitors to quickly find the information they need within your website. With powerful indexing capabilities, faceted search, and customizable filters, Advanced Search enhances the user experience and helps them discover relevant content efficiently. Easily reorder, personalize, and customize search results with your most important content while deprioritizing older content and protecting sensitive material from being indexed.

Chatbot Integration

Chatbots have become increasingly popular for providing instant support and engaging website visitors. The Sitefinity web chatbot by NativeChat is the complete package that provides intelligent 24/7 customer service, guided task conversations, and an FAQ builder fully integrated with Sitefinity content. NativeChat enables you to create intelligent conversational agents that assist users, answer common queries, and guide them through their customer journey. 

Search Optimization Tools

Clients often neglect technical SEO when efforts require a developer’s assistance. Sitefinity’s user-friendly integrated SEO tools make it easier for marketers and content writers to create search-optimized content automatically. For example, Sitefinity easily enables you to create customized URLs to match your localized keywords in order to deliver locally optimized content in all language versions of your site. Sitefinity CMS also enables users to set canonical URLs without help from developers. This tool instructs search engines on where to find the preferred, original content URL and automatically consolidates page authority and ranking potential into a single URL, elevating your search engine ranking and your website’s visibility. 

Talk to BoxCrush

We think it’s crucial for our clients to leverage all the tools in their Sitefinity toolbox, not just the bare minimum. That’s why when we upgrade a client, or we design and develop a brand new website using Sitefinity, we make sure they have every opportunity to familiarize themselves with the features and capabilities of their chosen platform and actively explore how they can leverage them to optimize their digital experiences. If you don’t have time to take advantage of all those tools, BoxCrush is an experienced agency that can execute a strategy for you while you ride shotgun. Schedule a meeting or call 317-816-9353 to learn more.

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