Bar Keepers Friend Redesign

WordPress implementation and digital marketing



Bar Keepers Friend is a family-owned company in Indianapolis that manufactures cleaning products. The formula for its flagship product – a canned powdered cleanser – originated in 1882, and other than the packaging, little has changed about this cleanser over time.

Quick Facts

  • Fixed more than 600 broken backlinks that included important media outlets and reviews
  • Set up Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel to track visitors and behavior
    • Nearly doubled weekly reach of Facebook posts
  • Implemented a social media strategy that increased social media referral traffic by 89.90 percent
    • Created a long-term social media calendar

  • Set up a system for capturing user reviews, user-generated content, and editorial content that can be reused and repurposed in promotions and packaging
    • Increased engagement by creating a photo gallery on the BKF website featuring customers’ “Before and after” cleaning photos from Instagram

  • Set up pay-per-click campaigns that sent 15,751 visitors to the BKF site in a period of six months
  • Designed new BKF website with separate landing pages for each product, in order to measure page visits
    • Created a “Cooktop Cleaner” page that in a single month drew 725 visitors through search, 130 of which clicked the “Where to Buy” link on the page
    • Optimized BKF website for search engines by writing keyword-rich content, adding metadata, and labeling images


While Bar Keepers Friend has had a loyal customer base for generations, company leadership wanted to expand their reach and target new consumers. In November 2016, they came to BoxCrush because they wanted a new website. After taking time to learn more about the company’s long-term vision, the BoxCrush team knew that a website alone wouldn’t help the client achieve their goals.


BoxCrush created new landing pages for the company’s existing products and new products, with the purpose of driving traffic to specific pages and analyzing visitor interactions. By August 2017, BoxCrush was seeing results of the site architecture: The new “Cooktop Cleaner” page had 1,118 visitors that month. Of the 725 users who reached that page via search, 130 (22 percent), clicked the “Where to Buy” link.

BoxCrush also set up a social media campaign and marketing automation to capture leads and drive new sales opportunities. In support of those efforts, BoxCrush created downloadable cleaning guides to collect visitor email addresses.



"Two years ago, BoxCrush approached us to propose improvements and updates to our website. I realized very quickly web development was not their only area of expertise.

For the last two years, I’ve worked closely with the BoxCrush team to help them understand our digital marketing, web development and eCommerce needs. They have done an outstanding job familiarizing themselves with our products and understanding what our customers/fans want to see. The BoxCrush team has done a phenomenal job in managing our website, creating a digital marketing plan, and continuing to raise brand awareness and target new users.

The visions I had for our website, social media platforms, and other forms of digital marketing have finally come to life, thanks to the hard work from our partners at BoxCrush."

 - Christina Roark, Controller/Digital Marketing Coordinator